Order History Screen Page
This document aims to define the functionality and structure required to develop an Order History Screen Page in a web application. The Order History Screen Page allows users to view their past orders and transaction history.
The Order History Screen Page serves as a platform for users to access and review their historical transaction records, including details of past orders, purchases, invoices, and relevant transaction information.
The Order History Screen Page will consist of the following components:
- Displays a list of past orders in a tabular or list format.
- Includes details such as order ID, date, items purchased, total amount, and status.
- Shows detailed information about a selected order when clicked from the order list.
- Includes specific order items, payment details, shipping information, and invoice.
- Provides a search bar allowing users to search for specific orders by order ID, date, or items purchased.
- Acts as the main container, rendering OrderListDisplayComponent, OrderDetailsComponent, SearchOrdersComponent, and other relevant components.
- Manages the layout, interactions, and data flow within the Order History Screen Page.
Display Order History
- Presents a list of past orders for users to browse and review.
View Order Details
- Allows users to click on a specific order to view detailed information, including items purchased, payment details, and shipping information.
Search Functionality
- Provides a search bar allowing users to search for specific orders based on order ID, date, or items purchased.
- Filters and displays relevant orders based on the search query.
- Conducts unit tests for each component and functionality.
- Ensures accurate display and functionality of order lists, individual order details, and search features.
- Verifies smooth navigation and responsiveness of the Order History Screen Page.
Future Enhancements:
- Incorporate sorting options for order history based on date, status, or amount.
- Implement filters for better categorization of orders (e.g., by status or type).
- Introduce downloadable invoices or receipts for each order.
The Order History Screen Page provides users with convenient access to their historical transaction records, enabling them to track past purchases, review order details, and efficiently manage their transaction history within the application.