📄️ Play-button Component
The ` component provides a clickable element, which can be used in forms or anywhere that needs simple, standard button functionality. It may display text, icons, or both. The ` component can be customized with various attributes to achieve a specific look and functionality.
📄️ Play Badge
Badges are inline block elements that usually appear near another element. Typically they contain a number or other characters. They can be used as a notification that there are additional items associated with an element and indicate how many items there are. Badges are hidden if no content is passed in.
📄️ Sidebar
This document outlines the specifications for the Sidebar Component, a React component designed to provide a customizable sidebar for web applications.
📄️ App Bar Component
This document outlines the specifications for the AppBarComponent, an Angular component designed to provide a customizable app bar or navigation bar for web applications.
📄️ Bottom Navigation Component
This document outlines the specifications for the BottomNavigationComponent, an Angular component designed to provide a navigation bar positioned at the bottom of the screen, typically used for navigating between primary sections or views within an application.
📄️ Breadcrumbs Component
This document outlines the specifications for the BreadcrumbsComponent, an Angular component designed to display hierarchical navigation links, typically used to indicate the current page's location within a website or application.
📄️ Button Group Component
This document outlines the specifications for the ButtonGroupComponent, an Angular component designed to group multiple buttons together, providing a cohesive interface for selecting options or triggering actions.
📄️ Floating Action Button Component
This document outlines the specifications for the FloatingActionButtonComponent, an Angular component designed to provide a floating action button (FAB) for triggering primary or high-priority actions within an application.
📄️ Menu Component
This document outlines the specifications for the MenuComponent, an Angular component designed to provide a menu interface for displaying a list of options or actions.
📄️ Radio Group Component
This document outlines the specifications for the RadioGroupComponent, a reusable Angular component designed to present a group of radio buttons, allowing users to select a single option from a list of choices.
📄️ Rating Component
This document outlines the specifications for the RatingComponent, an Angular component designed to allow users to rate items by selecting a numerical value from a predefined range.
📄️ Slider Component
This document outlines the specifications for the SliderComponent, which is a customizable Angular component designed to allow users to select a value within a specified range by dragging a slider handle.