Cart Page
This document outlines the functionality and structure required to develop a Cart Page in a web application. The Cart Page allows users to review, modify, and proceed with the items they have added to their shopping cart.
The Cart Page serves as a summary of items that users have added to their cart while browsing the application. It enables users to review their selections, adjust quantities, remove items, and proceed to checkout.
The Cart Page will consist of the following components:
CartItem Component
- Displays individual items added to the cart, including:
- Product name
- Image
- Price
- Quantity input
- Subtotal
- Remove button
CartSummary Component
- Provides a summary of the cart, including:
- Total number of items in the cart
- Total price
- Proceed to Checkout button
CartPage Component
- Acts as the main container, rendering CartItem and CartSummary components.
- Manages cart data, updates, and interactions.
Display Cart Items
- Retrieves cart data from the application's state or backend.
- Renders CartItem components based on the items added to the cart.
Modify Cart Items
- Allows users to adjust quantities of items in the cart through quantity input fields in CartItem components.
- Provides a remove button to delete items from the cart.
Cart Summary
- Calculates and displays the total price of items in the cart.
- Updates the cart summary in real-time based on changes made to cart items (quantity adjustments or item removal).
Checkout Process
- Provides a "Proceed to Checkout" button that redirects users to the checkout page or initiates the checkout process.
- Conducts unit tests for CartItem, CartSummary, and CartPage components.
- Verifies functionalities like adding/removing items, updating quantities, and calculating the total price.
- Ensures the "Proceed to Checkout" button functions correctly.
Future Enhancements:
- Implement saved carts for users to revisit later.
- Integrate discount codes or promotions in the cart.
- Enhance user experience with animations or visual cues for cart interactions.
The Cart Page is a crucial component in the shopping experience, providing users with an overview of their selected items and facilitating easy modification before proceeding to checkout.