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Error Page

This document outlines the functionality and structure required to create an error page in a web application. The error page will serve to inform users when unexpected errors or page-not-found scenarios occur.


The error page acts as a fallback mechanism when the application encounters errors, including 404 (page not found) or other unexpected issues. It provides users with helpful information and guidance to navigate back or report the problem.


The error page will consist of the following components:

ErrorPage Component

  • Renders a friendly error message.
  • Displays additional information about the error if available.
  • Provides navigation options or links to relevant sections within the application.


Error Handling

  • Catches unexpected errors and displays a generic error message on the error page.
  • Handles 404 errors and displays a specific "Page Not Found" message and/or graphic.
  • Logs errors for future analysis and debugging purposes.

User Guidance

  • Provides clear instructions or options for users to navigate back to the previous page or return to the homepage.
  • Offers contact information or links for reporting the issue or seeking further assistance.


  • Conducts unit tests for the ErrorPage component.
  • Simulates different error scenarios to ensure the error page responds appropriately.
  • Verifies the navigation options provided on the error page.

Future Enhancements:

  • Customize error messages based on the type of error encountered.
  • Implement automated error reporting to the development team.
  • Enhance error logging with detailed information for debugging.


The error page is a crucial component of the application, providing users with guidance and information when unexpected errors or page-not-found scenarios occur. Implementing proper error handling and user guidance ensures a smoother user experience.