App Bar Component
This document outlines the specifications for the AppBarComponent
, an Angular component designed to provide a customizable app bar or navigation bar for web applications.
The AppBarComponent
serves as a prominent navigation and information hub within web applications. It typically contains branding elements, navigation menus, and additional controls to enhance user experience and facilitate navigation throughout the application.
Integrate the AppBarComponent
into your Angular applications to establish a consistent and easily accessible navigation interface for users.
title: (Optional) The title or branding text displayed within the app bar.
logoUrl: (Optional) The URL of the logo or branding image displayed within the app bar.
showMenu: (Optional) Controls the visibility of the navigation menu within the app bar. Defaults to
. -
menuItems: (Optional) An array of objects representing the items in the navigation menu. Each object should have the following properties:
: (Required) The label or display text for the menu
: (Required) The URL or route link associated with the menu item.icon
: (Optional) The icon to be displayed alongside the menu item label.
userMenu: (Optional) An array of objects representing items in the user menu dropdown. Each object should have the following properties:
: (Required) The label or display text for the user menu item.action
: (Optional) A callback function to be executed when the user selects the menu item.icon
: (Optional) The icon to be displayed alongside the user menu item label.
menuItemClick: Fired when a menu item in the navigation menu is clicked. Emits the selected menu item object.
userMenuItemClick: Fired when a user menu item in the dropdown is clicked. Emits the selected user menu item object.
[title]="'My Application'"
- Customize the styling and layout of the app bar to align with the overall design language and branding of your application.
- Implement the
event handlers to respond to user interactions with the navigation menu items and user menu dropdown items, respectively.
// Example menu items for navigation menu
appMenuItems = [
{ label: 'Home', link: '/home', icon: 'home' },
{ label: 'About', link: '/about', icon: 'info' },
{ label: 'Contact', link: '/contact', icon: 'email' }
// Example items for user menu dropdown
userDropdownItems = [
{ label: 'Profile', action: this.navigateToProfile, icon: 'person' },
{ label: 'Settings', action: this.navigateToSettings, icon: 'settings' },
{ label: 'Logout', action: this.logout, icon: 'logout' }
onMenuItemClick(menuItem: any) {
// Handle menu item click event
onUserMenuItemClick(menuItem: any) {
// Handle user menu item click event
navigateToProfile() {
// Navigate to user profile page
navigateToSettings() {
// Navigate to settings page
logout() {
// Perform logout action